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iPhone saved 6 lives, here’s how

Ana sayfa / Smartphones

The emergency assistance feature via satellite, which Apple first introduced last year with the iPhone 14 series, has played a vital role many times so far. For this reason, the company receives praise from users. Finally, iPhone saved a family’s life again. Here are the details…

For those who don’t know, iPhone 14 and iPhone 15 have an emergency assistance via satellite feature, which, as the name suggests, allows iPhone users to communicate with the satellite and ask for help in important moments without the need for an internet connection.

For example, if you are injured on a deserted mountainside and you have no internet connection, you can request help with this feature. Although this technology is not yet available in Turkey, it has already saved many lives abroad. The latest news about this came from the USA.

According to the information reported, a family of 6 people in the state of Oregon in the United States hiked the Salmon River Trail on Mount Hood, the highest mountain in the state, and reached an altitude of 3,500 feet.

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However, the family could not come down again due to changing weather conditions and falling temperatures. They then requested support via the iPhone’s emergency assistance feature via satellite. This request reached the Clackamas County Sheriff’s Office.

Rescue teams immediately mobilized, but due to the weather conditions, they also had a very difficult time reaching the family. Therefore, they were only able to reach the family the next day. Rescuers reported that they were dehydrated when they arrived but otherwise did not encounter any life-threatening problems.

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